Glum: A Wicked Misadventure wins ‘Up & Coming’ Award at Tomorrow’s Awesome Games Showcase at Copenhagen Gaming Week
As if it wasn’t enough to get to watch as kids, parents and players kicked and laughed their way through Glum: A Wicked Misadventure at the #CopenhagenGamingWeek ‘Tomorrow’s Awesome Games Showcase’ (TAGS) - it was just announced that GLUM was selected as the Grand Prize Winner of the ‘Up and Coming’ category! ⭐
We’re super thankful and proud of receiving this award along with the heartwarming selection statement from the committee: “They are on a journey to the next level; we believe in them, and their games have the potential to be Tomorrow's Awesome Games”. AND we’re extremely excited to say that this prize enables us to go to GDC! 💛✈️
A huge thanks to all the people behind Copenhagen Gaming Week and TAGS, and for taking great measures within the games industry in Denmark. And a huge thanks and shout-out to all the awesome TAGS participants, whom we got to meet and nerd out with during the event! 🕹️